I awoke this morning with a little girl in my bed.  We snuggle close, groan then stretch and I ask her if she wants to do bed yoga.  She agrees and happily stretches with me, giggling while we do ankle rolls and child pose.  At this point I usually do a short bit of energy work, where I imagine I'm sitting under a shining water fall and let it fill me with positive sparkly energy (thank you Leonie).  I've never done energy work with my children before, aside from the usual comforting mother thing we all tend to do naturally.  But it felt right this morning and I knew she would enjoy it.  So I told her, "Now I like to close my eyes and imagine a sparkly rainbow water fall washing all over me."  I'm not sure why I said rainbow, but it fit.  She closed her eyes and squealed with glee and then she said the most lovely thing, "Can I taste it and lick it??", "Absolutely".  Kids can be so much better at visualization than grown ups.  If they say something like that, roll with it!  So there was my beautiful morning in a nutshell.  Stretching and tasting sparkly rainbows with my daughter.  Can life possibly be any better??   And so, for your enjoyment, here is the full version of the meditation me and my daughter did.  When doing meditations with kids, make sure it's short and sweet and full of good imagery to keep their attention.  P.S. - This meditation isn't just for kids, try it out, it's pretty awesome.

Morning Rainbow Meditation

Sit cross-legged on your bed with your little one and ask them to close their eyes.
Take big deep breaths to relax and then go ahead and start.
Say aloud...
Imagine there is a sparkly rainbow waterfall,
and as it pours over you,
you feel happy and full of joy.
Feel that sparkly rainbow water pour all over you.  Play with it, taste it, let it fill you with happiness and joy.

When you are done, take a few more deep breaths, open your eyes and hug your child (or pet a furry friend).  May the joy you experience follow you throughout the day.
12/29/2012 08:43:49 am

Lovely. Simply lovely!

Maggie Danhakl
3/5/2014 04:38:06 am

Hi Sarah,

Healthline is interested in contributing a guest post to theherbalgoddess.weebly.com. We would be open to contributing any blog that would be of interest to your readers. Healthline bloggers have been featured on a variety of sites including:

Washington Times: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tango-mind-and-emotion/2012/aug/10/how-healthy-choices-easy/
Natural News: http://www.naturalnews.com/036515_diabetes_strawberries_prevention.html

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Warm Regards,

Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

Healthline Networks, Inc. • Connect to Better Health
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    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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