Today was an amazing day!  So amazing, swearing seemed entirely appropriate.  I had something happen that was only in my wildest dreams possible.  We're talking like, this is on my list of things to do in this lifetime. HUGE!

Ever since I had an absolutely life altering birth with my first child at home, I was compelled to help other women achieve the same sort of empowerment and healing through birth.  And I don't mean that I want other women to have home births, I mean I want women to feel like they had a say in what happened.  That they felt in control and that they knew, they were so dang powerful that they grew and then brought another soul into this world.  For 7 years I was a Labor Doula. I got to see time and again these warrior women give birth to their babies and their new life as a parent.  I cannot even begin to tell you how blessed I feel by being a part of that.

But, there's a lot of truth to the saying that doing what you are not meant to do in life can make you sick.  After a time, attending hospital births did just that.  We have a cesarean rate here that is out of this world (46%). I started sugar coating lies just to make women feel better about their births.  Then I would get terribly sick. I couldn't be a Doula any longer.  My heart, my truth and my soul are all damaged when I witness such horrible treatment.

Over the last few years I have let go of so many things, smoking, old habits, old friends, old dreams, old ways of living.  I got rid of it all.  I started from scratch.  I sat down and said to myself, "What am I good at?  What do I love?  What can I do for hours at a time and not groan?"  I have to heal people, I am good at professionalism and organisation, I have a passion for helping new families.  I NEED to be in this field but not at the capacity I was before.

And suddenly it all becomes clear...

Collage about my sisters at work.
I am a big believer that the more you let go of things that are attached to you, that aren't beneficial, the more receptive you are to prosperity.  

If you have read some of my old posts you know that I was recently offered partial ownership of a childbirth education center that I've been working with for 5 years.  After letting go of all that old junk that was holding me down, I was finally able to embrace my role as an Herbalist and Wellness Director.

Now as if that wasn't news enough! This past week I let go of even more.  I cleared my facebook of old ties, let go of my blonde hair, did an herbal cleanse, let go of a lot of guilt that's been weighing me down since I was a child, even did a ritual to finalize it.  And what happened today my friends???  

I was informed that we will soon be opening the only free-standing birth center in all of  Las Vegas!!!!

9/7/2012 07:46:44 pm

Wow!! Life is amazing isnt it!! Well done X

9/8/2012 07:36:54 am

Wow, Sarah, what amazing work you've been doing. Best of luck with the new birth centre!



9/8/2012 12:42:53 pm

Wow, such fabulous news! I am so happy for you. Totally love that your enthusiasm is "catching." I'm feeling quite exuberant now :)

9/10/2012 02:29:30 am

That was totally my intent, so glad it is working! ;-) Thank you all for the congrats.

9/26/2012 08:08:29 am

WOW indeed! Good for you love! I'm off to clear out some fb friends, watch this space! Lol. xx


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    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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