The New Moon phase can be a very sacred time when you practice magic.  Life is cyclical in nature and just like when the moon is full, the dark or new moon can harness incredible energies as well.  However, it may not be the light hearted full bellied momma energy you are used to.  Dark/New Moon's energies feel like the wise crone Cerridwen and dark Goddess Kali.  It can make you introspective and prompt you to let go of projects, relationships and habits that have a negative influence on you.  When you cut the ties of these things from your life, you are more open to receiving positive energy and prosperity.  Many people like to have new projects blessed on New Moons because it seems appropriate.  But when was the last time you let go of something?  Decluttering your house, your mind, your relationships, can be cathartic and necessary to be open to greatness and receive the energies you need to make that project you are planning come to fruition.

The ritual below can be used whenever the moon is dark or new and you need to release some ickiness from your life.  Kali was my preference as I was in the moment, but you can use any wise or protective crone/warrior goddess you like.  This is by no means a magical recipe, take what you like and make it your own.

New Moon Ritual

What you'll need:
  • 3 Candles, red and black work best for banishing/releasing.  I used my white Goddess candle and two reds to symbolize Kali.
  • Incense or Smudge Stick
  • Knife, Blade or Athame for cutting ties
  • Paper and Pen

Write on your paper 2 columns, one that says "I Accept", the other says "I Banish" or "I Release". Write down the things you wish to get rid of and the things you wish to keep and bless.  Light your candles, clear energy with your smudge or incense.  Ask the Goddess Kali to remove these things from your life, they are destructive and no longer wanted.  Use your blade to cut the paper in two.  Roll up the half you wish to banish and light it in the candle.  Let your paper burn in a fireplace or fireproof bowl outside.  Now hold up your paper that has the statement I Accept.  Sit and meditate and absorb the energy of your statements.  When you are ready, burn that paper as well, asking the Goddess to bless your statements.  Now dance, meditate, do whatever brings you close to spirit.  When you are done, blow out the candles, ground yourself and give the Goddess your gratitude.

8/19/2012 09:30:39 am

Thanks for this beautiful entry! Loved the part about Kali, since we just covered her in the "Creative Goddess" ecourse in the Goddess Circle, and she's become a favorite of mine!


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    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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