Practice this meditation anytime you feel unloved or in a funk.  Anytime you feel like the world doesn't care.  Let beautiful pink sparkly energy cover you and fill you with love.

Grab a chunk of rose quartz (click here to find out how to cleanse & bless your stone), some sweet smelling incense and light a white or pink candle.

Hold your stone in your right hand and breathe slowly until you feel a sense of calm, then continue with this guided meditation.

Love Meditation

Sit upright, with your feet on the floor.

Take a deep cleansing breathe, in through your nose and out through your mouth. X3

Pay attention to your breathe and the rise of your belly when you inhale and the lowering of your belly when you exhale.

Pause 30 sec

Imagine there is a light glow in the middle of your chest.

With every inhale the light grows bigger and bigger.

Now see that glowing light turn into a flower bud.

With your next exhale see the flower open into a beautiful flower.

Say to yourself,

“I am surrounded by love and support.”

“I am in love with myself.”

“I am loved by my angels, my God/dess and my world.”

“I am ready to receive love.”

Imagine a warm, bright light filled with love, shines on your chest and fills you up.

Feel the love of this light fill your entire body.

Let love fill every cell of your being.

If you are pregnant, let the light shine down into your belly, bathing your baby in love.

Pause 30

Now take another deep cleansing breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Wiggle your toes and flex your fingers.

When you are ready, open your eyes.
Written By: The Herbal Goddess

Celebrate Your Day

Celebrate the rest of the day by painting your nails, wearing pink, doing things you LOVE. Dance, eat your favorite food.  Buy yourself flowers, wear sweet smelling perfume, drink herbal tea.  Do things that nourish yourself and your body.  And always remember...

You are loved!

7/30/2012 02:32:30 am

What a beautiful meditation! A great way to begin a new week. Thank you! :)

7/30/2012 08:24:59 am

Nice! Really love it Sarah....thx for sharing......Like Jodi said, great way to begin the week :)

7/30/2012 12:44:15 pm

How happy! I love rose quartz and this is a gorgeous meditation.

7/31/2012 05:31:20 am

Beautiful and I LOVE the new look for your website!

7/31/2012 07:14:00 am

Thank you! I'm quite in love with it myself ;-)


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    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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