Once upon a time...

there was a boy.  He was dark and beautiful and played the guitar.  He was full of life and love and warmth.  And there was this girl who adored the hell out of him.  But unfortunately she had nothing short of the Berlin wall surrounding her heart.  When she was so young, she didn't understand what was filling her heart.  She didn't like the chinks in her armor and the cracks in her wall.  And so she did what any self destructive girl would do, she lied and screwed him over, just like everyone else.  Guilt racked and self loathing she tumbled deep into a world steeped with drugs and despair.   

Time went by and another dear boy showed up.  He wore armor of the toughest kind and bit by bit he tore down the massive wall inside her.  No matter how hard she bit or screamed, he held her.  He proved his love in word and deed and helped her battle countless demons.  Though the road even now isn't easy and is full of bumps and turns, he remains to this day her heart and hero.

Why am I telling you this story?

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Because I want you know where I'm coming from when I tell you that personal power is not a bad thing.  It took me 10 years to finally understand that having personal power doesn't equate to doing things that are selfish and negative in nature.  At one point the pendulum swung the other way, and I became as docile as a housecat and reminiscent of a 1950's housewife.  Neither being dark and manipulative or sweet as cotton candy are going to make you feel good or whole.  

I am me.  I give myself permission to be me.  Recognize what is at the core of you and give it a HUGE hug!  It is not rotten, I assure you.   Sometimes hurt people, hurt people.  I have since apologized to the aforementioned person.  And the second boy, well he's my husband now going on 12 years, who's strength still amazes me.  But regardless of your story, I want you to know that it doesn't matter what happened in your past.  At your core you are the most wonderful person, with the capacity to do great things.  But sometimes this junk (aka guilt) can get in the way of us being ourselves or stepping into roles that will ultimately bring us success.   It's time to move on... and step into your personal power.

How to Step Into your Personal Power

  • Apologize and be done with it.   If you truly have wronged someone in your past, you should take responsibility for your actions and apologize.  But reguardless of what the response is (sometimes people do not want to forgive) you need to accept the answer and move on.
  • Then, get rid of old energy junk.  Leonie Dawson's Healing Goddess Workshop has some wonderful tips for clearing negativity that has glommed on to you, sometimes even for years.  And how to cut those ties so you can heal yourself.  Or you can do a release spell.  Write down all the negative junk that no longer serves you.  Light a candle, burn your list in the flame and ask the Goddess to banish them.  
  • Accept your new life.  Women for Sobriety has a wonderful 13 step "New Life" Acceptance Program that is sublime and works for anyone that needs a daily reminder to accept yourself. 
  • Practice self-love everyday.  For a guide to self love and acceptance head over to Blessing Manifesting.  
  • Heal thyself, with herbs, aromatherapy, crystals, psychotherapy, life coaching, meditation.  It doesn't matter which modality you use, if it speaks to you, use it. 
  • Embrace the Wild Woman.  You should love every bit of you.  Including the not so nice bits.  Denying any part of you will only make you unhappy and angry.  Come up with ways for your wild woman to come out unhinged regularly.  Paint it, write it, dance it out, scream, sing, whatever you need to do to be yourself, every single bit of it.

Wild Woman Bath Tea

Use this for healing, grounding and self-love.

1 handful of each:
Dried Rose Petals
Comfrey Leaf
Sea Salt

3 drops Patchouli Essential Oil

Mix well in a ceramic bowl.  You can now pour your mixture into a sock and tie the end, add it to a large muslin bag, tea ball or press n brew tea bag.

Fill your tub with hot water and let the bath tea steep in the tub for 5 minutes before getting in. 

While sitting in the tub, close your eyes, breathe deep and say:

"I accept myself.  I am a wild woman.  I am full and free. I embrace all of me. "

8/17/2012 04:39:14 pm

Very powerful entry! You know, one of my favourite teachers of witchcraft, Starhawk, makes the distinction of "Power OVER" versus "Power from within". Power over is the negative kind, trying to control other people. Power from with in is what you call personal power, being a strong, capable, whole human being. I've always loved that definition :-)

Much love and blessings!

8/18/2012 12:56:35 am

I love it as well, wise lady! It seems like such a simple concept, but is difficult for abuse survivors or addicts to put into practice . You question yourself constantly, like is it okay for me to feel this way, or behave this way. It's harder to accept yourself as a complete person. I'm glad I've finally reached the point of no more apologies, I am who I am and I love it dearly.

8/18/2012 05:55:24 am

My last few years have been all about this post. It is quite beautiful that you pulled these ideas together into a manifesto of sorts. I am finding "embracing my wild woman" to be incredibly powerful, perhaps the most powerful of all the ideas you shared. I think those of us with wild woman energy can find healthy expressions of our wild woman or it either stays inside gunking up the works - possibly making us sick - or comes out sideways with who knows what outcome.

8/21/2012 09:53:01 pm

Many congratulations Sarah! thanks for sharing the wisdom and YOU with the world :)


8/28/2012 08:18:00 pm

The wise woman in me did a little jig of joy at this post. Yes! Acceptance of every part of you - the 'good', the 'bad', the beautiful every part of you. Great post. xx


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    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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