I woke up this morning C-R-A-B-B-Y! I'm sure it had to do with the fact that I didn't take my herbs yesterday and let my diet fly out the window.  But, it's no excuse to be a bossy pants.  It's a gorgeous Saturday morning and there's really no reason to be so unhappy.

So, I've decided to change my mind (you can do that you know!) and look for the joy of today.  I took my happy juice (aka herbal tea), read my morning devotion from a pagan prayer book and now I'm making a gratitude list.  

You can find some awesome gratitude lists at Blessing Manifesting or at Leonie Dawson.com .

Today, I Am Grateful For:
  1. 2 Lovely, Bright, Joyful children who are fed and safe and loved.
  2. A handsome and affectionate husband.
  3. Gorgeous weather.
  4. Money in the bank.
  5. All the love and support from my friends and family.
  6. My amazing job.
  7. My blooming garden.
  8. My long hair and pretty blue eyes.
  9. My mother-in-law hiring a unemployed friend (who was a maid) to come and scrub the bathrooms so we didn't have to.
  10. Being able to plan a vacation to the beach.

See? Life is good! Time to take of my cranky pants and put on a cute flowy skirt.

What are you grateful for today?

7/14/2012 11:50:15 pm

Thanks for this! Always good to be reminded that gratitude is the best way to start the day. And I'm crabby in the morning sometimes too *lol*

7/15/2012 12:35:26 am

Excellent reminder! I started making morning gratitude lists a few months ago and it does give the day some perspective! (I do them before I go to sleep, too, but they're not quite the same kind.)


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    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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