Practice this meditation anytime you feel unloved or in a funk.  Anytime you feel like the world doesn't care.  Let beautiful pink sparkly energy cover you and fill you with love.

Grab a chunk of rose quartz (click here to find out how to cleanse & bless your stone), some sweet smelling incense and light a white or pink candle.

Hold your stone in your right hand and breathe slowly until you feel a sense of calm, then continue with this guided meditation.

Love Meditation

Sit upright, with your feet on the floor.

Take a deep cleansing breathe, in through your nose and out through your mouth. X3

Pay attention to your breathe and the rise of your belly when you inhale and the lowering of your belly when you exhale.

Pause 30 sec

Imagine there is a light glow in the middle of your chest.

With every inhale the light grows bigger and bigger.

Now see that glowing light turn into a flower bud.

With your next exhale see the flower open into a beautiful flower.

Say to yourself,

“I am surrounded by love and support.”

“I am in love with myself.”

“I am loved by my angels, my God/dess and my world.”

“I am ready to receive love.”

Imagine a warm, bright light filled with love, shines on your chest and fills you up.

Feel the love of this light fill your entire body.

Let love fill every cell of your being.

If you are pregnant, let the light shine down into your belly, bathing your baby in love.

Pause 30

Now take another deep cleansing breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Wiggle your toes and flex your fingers.

When you are ready, open your eyes.
Written By: The Herbal Goddess

Celebrate Your Day

Celebrate the rest of the day by painting your nails, wearing pink, doing things you LOVE. Dance, eat your favorite food.  Buy yourself flowers, wear sweet smelling perfume, drink herbal tea.  Do things that nourish yourself and your body.  And always remember...

You are loved!

©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
I deserve to be nourished!

I eat food that is delicious

dances on my tastebuds

and heals my body

I use herbs to treat myself

and promote healing in the most

natural way.  They are gifts

from the Goddess and mine to use.

I move my body because

it is beautiful and my

hips are poetry in motion

I meditate to calm my mind

to send myself love

even if only for a minute

I always deserve love

I attract people that are loving

And I am a magnificent person

I am a wise woman
By: The Herbal Goddess

Use this delicious recipe to make a magical floor wash sure to invite love and positive energy to your home.  Roses have long been used for the nervous system and mood lifter as well as an aphrodisiac. It's almost always included in love spells.  Citrus is another smell that's known to lift the spirits and bring in positive energy.  You can use this wash on any hard wood floors and tile.  If you have more carpet in your house than tile, omit the soap and strain the *tea* into a spray bottle, then add your essential oil.  You can now spritz the house to your hearts content.

Happy Home Floor Wash

1 handful of dried or fresh rose petals
Peels of one lime  
7 drops Lemon EO
1 tsp to tbsp liquid soap

Place your rose petals and lime peels in a large pot. Add a quart of water and bring to a boil.  Let simmer 5 minutes. You'll know it's done when the roses and lime peels have no more color.  Remove from the heat and take a dishtowel or large rag and drape it over the top of the pot.  Gather and tie the sides to make a sort of sieve.  Strain the *tea* into your mop bucket.  You can now add your lemon essential oil and a teaspoon to tablespoon of liquid soap.  The amount of soap you use depends on what kind of soap you have.  Add more hot water to the bucket until you have around 1-2 gallons of mop water.  Hold your hands over the bucket and say:

"I bless this pot of magical herbs with love and light for all who enter here."
Imagine all of this bright sparkly energy floating down from the heavens, through your crown chakra and down through your arms and fingers and into your pot.  You are now ready to mop or spritz some love and light all around your home.
This recipe was inspired by the book: Magical Housekeeping, by Tess Whitehurst
Brightest Blessings,

The Herbal Goddess

Time can be the most precious thing you can give someone. People need a friend they can go to that will listen to their story without judgement.  Think back to the last time something heartbreaking happened to you.  Did anyone give you time?  The time to sit and drink a cup of coffee and cry your eyes out while you spoke your truth?  Just the simple act of a friend sharing her time with you, can be the most valuable medicine of all.

We are volcanoes.  When we women offer our experience as our truth, all the maps change.  There are new mountains.  That's what I want-to hear you erupting.  You Mount St. Helenses who don't know the power in you-I want to hear you...If we don't tell our truth, who will?
~Ursula K. Le Guin
Today I plan on sharing a cup of coffee with a dear friend of mine who was laid off from her job.  I'm thinking a good cup of joe and some open ears (and maybe a little wine later) is just what the doctor ordered.
You can be a maker of magic and a tender of wishes. It’s easy. Answer the wish prompt above on your blog and then add a direct link to your post at Jamie Ridler Studios.
©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
The Two of Wands is the emblem of personal power and influence, authority and courage.  Now is the time to be bold and inventive, and not to shy away from doing what is necessary.  But also beware of letting the intoxication of power cloud the mind and judgement.

"For a moment Her sight hazes, and she sees a vision of what she might accomplish in the years to come...At last, this is the chance to bring her dreams to fruition and to build the reality that she long has envisioned for these lands." ~Shadowscapes Companion Book

This card tells us to be bold, wise and courageous.  It is time for leadership and unwavering direction.  But do not be conceited, there are others that would be swift to take your place should weakness be detected.  Her companion the lion also embodies courage and authority.  If you are a boss, owner, leader, or head of your household, you would be wise to take the advice of the Two of Wands.

Herbs that may help:

Any herbs that stimulate blood flow and promote good circulation.  Ginger, Gingko, Cayenne, Pepper, Garlic, Hawthorn to name a few.

Magical Stones:

Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Carnelian, Fire Agate, Red Jasper
There are lots of ways to cleanse and bless your crystals or stones for spiritual practice.  But some of them require a lot of time and a spot where they can sit for a long period of time.  Since I have little kiddle-winks at home, I have to be very careful with what I leave out.  Many of my pretties have disappeared because of this.  So, over the years I've come to adapt to a new way of thinking about ritual.  I no longer have time to wait for the moon/sun/planets/constellations to align properly or for long ceremonies and lots of props.  I have to simplify, reach deep and practice when I can (which may only be 5 minutes).

So here is a short, but still amazing ritual you can do to cleanse the energies of your stones and bless them with the four Elements (to find out what the heck the four elements are, click here).  I like to go outside for ritual, even if it's just on my patio.  I made this ritual on the mild end of theatrics, so your neighbors shouldn't think you're too crazy.

The stones I picked to cleanse and bless tonight, are Blue Calcite and Lepidolite with Pink Tourmaline.  I am so in love with these stones and could feel a gigantic "AHHH!" as soon as I held them in my hand.  I plan on using both of them during my morning meditation tomorrow and I cannot wait. If you want to know how to pick a crystal, head over to Blessings Manifesting.
For this ritual you'll want a few simple things.  First you need your crystals or stones.  Then you need some representations for the four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water).  I like to use a red candle for fire, my favorite smelling incense for air, and I combine the earth and water to finish the cleansing/blessing by using salt in purified water.  You can also put things on your altar you think add positive energy.  I included my little healing Goddess statue.
Since I am utterly in love with herbs, they will always have a place in my ritual as well.  But I have to tell you, placing herbs in a little dish to sit out all night in salt water, is not a good idea.  I've ended up with some pretty nasty tea and stone concoctions.  So, to prevent all that I like to use a few drops of essential oils to add that green magic touch and help activate the properties I would like in my stones.

Crystal Cleansing & Blessing Ritual

Ground and center yourself by taking long deep breaths, allowing stressful or icky energies to fall to the floor, and then bring your awareness to the center of your body.

Hold your crystal over the candle and say:
"Energy of Fire, purify and cleanse this crystal of all negativity.  Bless it with purpose so it may be made sacred for my spiritual workings."

Repeat this again, replacing Fire with Air and waving your stone through lit incense.  Then place in a glass or earthenware bowl full of water.  Repeat the affirmation above and then add your salt.  Repeat again.  Then place your hands over the bowl of salt water with your crystals submerged and think hard about the purpose you want for your stones.

I like to leave mine out overnight so they can be blessed with the moon's energies.  Some people like to keep them submerged for 3 nights, or during a Full moon.  I say do what feels right to you.  If you feel like the stone needs some more good juju, go ahead and do the ritual again.

Goddess bless you with love and healing,
The Herbal Goddess
Celebrate life and love with this gorgeous tea the color of rubies. These herbs are nourishing to the nervous system and good for heart health.  It lifts your spirits and calms your nerves.  

Perfect for a lazy afternoon or after a long day of hard work or stress.  This tea was formulated by none other than Rosemary Gladstar, herbal goddess and plant guru.  From her book, Herbal Healing for Women.

I have to say I’ve wanted to try this tea recipe for so long.  Every time I read the ingredients I think, “Ooooh that has to be scrumptious!”  It is indeed scrumptious my friends.  

In Rosemary’s book it is recommended as a good tea to renew vitality after birth. It’s rich in nervines and spirit lifters and tastes fabulous on ice.  After I gave birth I’m not sure I could have had too much ice water!   I can imagine lounging around with a nice big glass of this iced tea, while I bask in my post birth bliss, nursing my babe.

But for those of you who aren’t planning a new addition to the fam, don’t think this tea isn’t equally nourishing for you.  Anytime you’ve had a hard stressful week, pick a day to unwind and drink some nourishing teas.  We get so busy sometimes we really forget that in order to take care of others we have to practice self love.  

Make yourself a whole pitcher of this tea and do some yoga, a homemade spa treatment or do a meditation.

Joy Tea

  • 2 parts Chamomile
  • 3 parts Lemon Balm
  • 1 part Hawthorn Berries (can add blossoms as well)
  • 2 parts Hibiscus flowers
  • 2 parts Rose Petals
  • 1/8 part Lavender Flowers
  • 1/8 part Cardamon Pods, chopped

Use four to six tablespoons of herbs per quart of water.  Add herbs to cold water and place in direct sunshine.  If winter, place in a south-facing sunny window.  Let sit for several hours or overnight.  Strain and enjoy.  This lovely, exhilarating tea is best made with fresh herbs and flowers, but may be made with dried herbs too.
I woke up this morning C-R-A-B-B-Y! I'm sure it had to do with the fact that I didn't take my herbs yesterday and let my diet fly out the window.  But, it's no excuse to be a bossy pants.  It's a gorgeous Saturday morning and there's really no reason to be so unhappy.

So, I've decided to change my mind (you can do that you know!) and look for the joy of today.  I took my happy juice (aka herbal tea), read my morning devotion from a pagan prayer book and now I'm making a gratitude list.  

You can find some awesome gratitude lists at Blessing Manifesting or at Leonie Dawson.com .

Today, I Am Grateful For:
  1. 2 Lovely, Bright, Joyful children who are fed and safe and loved.
  2. A handsome and affectionate husband.
  3. Gorgeous weather.
  4. Money in the bank.
  5. All the love and support from my friends and family.
  6. My amazing job.
  7. My blooming garden.
  8. My long hair and pretty blue eyes.
  9. My mother-in-law hiring a unemployed friend (who was a maid) to come and scrub the bathrooms so we didn't have to.
  10. Being able to plan a vacation to the beach.

See? Life is good! Time to take of my cranky pants and put on a cute flowy skirt.

What are you grateful for today?


If anything was possible, what would you wish for? 

Truly if life has taught me anything, it would be that anything IS possible.  If you had come to me last year and said, "Hey you know that far out dream you have of owning a childbirth education center? Well guess what, you'll own one by the end of July!" I would have told you there was a fat chance of that ever happening and please don't toy with me!  But it did happen.  And now a whole new world of opportunity has opened to me.  And you know what? The Goddess is not done yet!

So what do I wish for now?  To have the strength, time and creativity to help that center shine and be a powerful tool for women everywhere.  I want it to be bigger than big.  HUGE! I want people talking about it for generations.  The place that changed the attitude of childbirth forever in our city.  Policy changers, truth tellers, healing women on every level.
Every week over at Jamie Ridler's blog a wishcasting question is posted to ponder. If you have a blog, join in the fun!

Love and Healing,

The Herbal Tarot Deck
This card could not have come at a better time.  I know what you all are thinking, getting the tower card is bad right?  I mean look at all that fire and lightening and smoke?! But the tower card isn't always bad news.  In my case it's an answer.  It's breaking away from old habits, personal breakthroughs, preparing the way for true realization.  Sometimes you want a part of your life to tumble down.  Make way for the new growth and truth.

Garlic is great for blockages (physically and mentally).  After this reading I'll have to make sure I eat it more to help ease the transition and strengthen my constitution.  It's time to get moving, garlic says.  Out of your rut! Time to circulate, clear obstacles and say no to bullshit.
My absolutely favorite blog post by the lovely Leonie Dawson about "How to Install a No B.S. Clause in your Life!"
Love and Healing,

    About Me

    Mother, Herbalist & Doula, I share my wisdom about healing through herbs, natural living, meditation and goddess spirituality. 

    Stella Seaspirit

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